FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11. The baby was entirely sentient, and did not appreciate the humor. In fact, it never forgave it's namegiver, and plotted revenge. As an adult "Peter" named her children "
10BANG! My lights went out. I woke up what felt like days later in a hospital bed. A multi-lighted machine next to me gave off an innocuous *beep* then shut down. I couldn't see any
10I frantically beeped down a patrol car & showed the officers the turd in my backseat:"I've no idea how it got could be dangerous! You guys have to remove it!" The cops
10The man selling the Porsche said "I can give it to ya fer 70 grand." I said "Maybe you'd consider 45 grand?" This was just the start of a long negotiation. I ended up buying it for
11"Why isn't anyone adding to my briliantl fold? It's just rolling off the front page & everyone's ignoring it!". It really chapped his ass. Busted his spleen. Made his blood boil.