FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Damned fool, doesn't he know that being sloshily and sloppily drunk is the very essence of cartography? Damned fool! Cretan! Why the greatest explorers were drunks, how else
11was his chance. He hooked up to the 3-D printer and cycled through the menu. He chose to print himself out of Play Doh with the 0.8mm extruder, high quality/ low speed, high resolu
10ing cheese web they used instead of stretchers thanks to budget cuts. Drowning in dairy, I grasped air feebly with my hands. "My fold," I croaked as they rushed me to the hospital
10yoe yoe yoe. Hang on. Who's that? Let me take sniff. Hey hey, wait, your a dog, I'm a human, this is NOT RIGHT." I threw off the V-R helmet, stood, and glared at the proprietor.
13by a veritable storm of neuronal activity. Peter's ennui floated somewhere above his frontal parietal lobe. Peter was having an epileptic seizure.. Fold and Pass flashed rapidly as