FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11ed his crotch and did a little Michael Jackson move as he headed out to collect the cow eggs. At least he thought they were cow eggs. They made lousy omelets, but were plentiful.
13His life was a simmering stew of chainsaws, beef jerky and wrong answers. That's why he was so happy when
11on the horizon of Planet Pubis. Capt. Shistrome gasped, recognizing...CRAP! "YOU again!" he cried. Chairman only smiled serenely at the captain, ready to wipe that sh*t-eating grin
12I ran from the room screaming, "Beware the Scare Bears!" Later I dreamt that Mr Cuddles clawed out of the toybox with help from his best-fiends Hateful Heart and Bratty Thug Bear.
11I wasn't sure how to handle this. Being stuck on a class A Kitty Hawk that ran out of plasma had to be serious. The thing was completely dead, except from a voice repeating 'Warnin