FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14unicorn through the magical forest. This is really becoming the best bucket list EVER! 14) have a baby dolphins deliver my baby in the beeeeautiful ocean while the mermaids sing
13The only way out now was to continue eating Uncle Hugo and hope he gets separated from the pudding when he comes out my backside. This was sounding bad all around. Uncle Hugo had a
12Do not continue this FoldingStory. By it's completion, it will leave you in a cold sweat, awake until the early hours, staring into the darkness. This thread ends here. Goodnight.
11tion. Unfortunately, his wifi connection stopped in mid-transmission. The result was a Play Doh Clone Golem without a chest. The thing glared up at his master. "Oops."
12Mad about that man, Alex Trebek. But her dementia took on new dimensions all the time and her Answers were not always for the right Question but they always worked anyway. One univ