FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Re-educated in grammar by the Grammar Police, just in time to pass the college entrance exam. She ranked #5 in het class.
13My clone and I started eating other until you couldn't tell where he began and I ended and then two snakes slithered by and said, "Wow, well I never. A human Palindrome?
10He raced to the ER in his undies cradling Vince & laid him on an operating table & wore scrubs in lieu of clothing. A nurse handed him a saw. "But." "Saw now, doc, or we lose him."
13Russia smile onto his Chile stare? "Canada ila Lama get some Serbice? DidJa pan fry the Turkey?" He's Hungary, I'm Ghana Cuba cheese wheel for him. Peruse that Syriaous cookbook
13Satan Claus soon would be there. The orphans were huddled for warmth in their beds, while visions of maniacs danced in their heads. And Mummy in her tatters, and I in my hood, had