FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Blank stares. Finally someone said "Is that that new one on Bravo?" Disgusted, the cooking instructor said "No, nevermind, look, just mix the scalded milk mixture into the eggs and
10Unless you're a cannibal pig, in which case most bacon is good bacon. But basically, what i'm really trying to say is, the more bacon the merrier, most of the time. Good night."
10fruit-sucking cockroach. "Susan, we should eat the fruitcake and transform," Sam suggested. Susan didn't fancy the idea of turning into an insect, but she reluctantly reached out
11"Did we..." "Yes," she said. "How was I?" he asked. She handed him her pleasure map. "You missed all the X's, but it was good for me, 'Long John'." His ex was into pirate role play
10spaper clippings were on the coffee table. Elliott thought this was the craziest crime scene ever. The dead gold fish were hung w/satin ribbons like mobiles all over the library.