FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10reddit, refill wine glass. Grade half a paper, take 3 large gulps of merlot, check FoldingStory, then Facebook. Grade another 1/4 paper, check reddit, FS, FB, refill wine glass.
10" Sharon looked up from her motorcycle repair. Her sneer evolved into astonishment. Steve was a blank and he knew it, and he was sincere. "Hop on, babe. We'll see how it goes." Fi
11come the next to be Millionaire who wants.My request courage comes beleiving you will keep your repute noted by me, Nigeria Prince, through six degrees seperating us. Please send
12let her open a Facebook account. I could see mom tending Farmville on the internet while I was sizing coffins. She had 200 friends but I was the only one at her funeral.
10It was true, I was the last great folder. I had just found out that morning that I was rendered sterile in that radioactive crazy life of a fold story facilitator. I hope the next