FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Pythagoria, glanced back triangulating my stare, and shot back, "Your surface area to square diameter ratio approaches Π. Why should our space time manifolds intersect again?
11l MAN!" Oops! Insecurity Woman clapped his hands over his mouth. His secret was finally out. Everyone had "a moment" &hugged. He finally felt...just fine.
11"I am a luxury hobo. Observe." The bearded man on the beach stuck out his thumb and a cruise liner picked him up. "I've been poor in 35 countries and hundreds of resorts. Follow me
10As it turns out, she had. Her blue-in-blue eyes shined with euphoria like Fremen as she tipped her head to one side and lipped her lips seductively.
12Yes animals have languages. My cat Gibber (Hard 'G' and see photo) invented a word: "ma ah" with a glottal stop. She said this when she wanted to play laser. But that's anecdotal.