FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11a parallel univere in 1978. There he was, my dad, just about to buy a soilent green burger that would erase all human life in my universe. I had one chance to get this right or
11Hiding themselves from my sight/ desperately avoiding my holy might/ offering livestock and firstborn/ to sway the fury of my scorn/
10a ballet dancer, but her inspiration and lover died before they could get married. So Melita fell into a depression, turned emo, and became a prostitute. She died when she
13misanthropic bug bites & stings instill you with insecticidal rage?" I couldn't reply. I'd been transported on love's blissful wings to a clinic for the treatment of entomophilia.
10Now that he thought about, Rambo used to go into the theater and watch Glitter. That smell of hot butter popcorn and Mariah Carey's windblown hair spoke to Rambo's inner