FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10of that whole Middle Earth fiasco. Plus there was the height disparity. At first the human-elf rivalry at the North Pole was the typical juvenile hijinks, but when Papa Elf took a
14Dogmeister beer was made from this concoction and sold so fast it became a distillery in the former fireworks factory. Fido became rich as did Sheba, his tortoiseshell cousin.
10ry. "Sure," the stranger shrugged, walking away as I lay there. My sight was growing dim. My life passed before my eyes. I quickly said the 23rd Psalm. I had but one regret:
12slightly mauled me. I must have lay there on the side of the road for a while, unconscious.When I came to, the spare rib was still in my hand & Porky Pig stood above me, glaring.
14atop a giraffe and do a wee 19.) Buy each other a huge pizza and ride them down a steep hill. 20.) Write saucy poems to each other on the side of catamarans. 21.) Send each other