FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"And," he added morosely, "there is no known cure. You only have three days to live." The doctor then stood up & left us abruptly. "Well, I guess we better hurry then," I joked.
10fish shaped candy.Listening to the sunset, whilst the rays of dawn echoed in his third eye,John knew he was no longer sane. But he couldn't care less,for the world was one with him
11the Zorgian flesh offering, but pinky puree was too tempting. I slurped it gone and apologized to my clone. It (I?) then gnawed my lip, thus beginning a race to consume the other.
10but only got as far as Baggage Claim before overcome by the TSA response to her having assaulted the Custom's agents. She tried to explain that the villain had the orphans but they
10Sing through a vacuum cleaner hose and play back backwards in a steel drum while passing steam through a radiator. Mix with bridge cable vibrations and whale flatulation sped up