FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11and hoisted him into the air by rope and pulley. Dangling high above, Frankîe thought that the diners all looked like ants. And then he realised: they WERE all ants! No wonder he'd
13They knew the brain was a universe in itself; myriads of neurons in lieu of galaxy clusters. The leading sea monkey bore through the inner ear and was first to reach the cortex.
11Sam hastily brought his Monster Manual and 20-sided dice. Mort yelled, "Rocket Propelled Grenade not Role-Playing Game!" Another tentacle thrust out of the portal.
10It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was doughy, compact, had a long shelf life. Sure it was squishy but is also cheap. People didn't love it, but they bought it. It wa
10"All hail Queen Whirlpool!" raved the shaman "She consecrated to Chief!" In bedroom, Chief Wala excitedly entered the oven. Nada. He toyed with dials & fell asleep inside. He woke