FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10You don't want to have to deal with a fish who has had the wrong organs detached. It is not pleasant. A leading surgeon recently had his face eaten off by one of them. They're that
11But when Foxi awoke she found none other than Mr. Potatohead lying naked beside her. She was in an oven! "Holy Seamonkeys, I'm the main course!" she gasped. Through the oven window
13Now Spacey was a tolerant feller, & wasn't fazed by truckloads of rednecks living nearby, but they imposed Prohibition, which meant bathing was forbidden. To keep clean, Spacey had
10! There's something really weird growing in the shower and a faun in the mirror said 'beware the white witch,'" said the guest. The hotel manager quickly called the cleaning staff
11refined taste and devilish good looks. His toe decided to call itself Carl and pleaded with a court of law to release him from servitude to the rest of the foot. The judge frowned