FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14." Gen. Kebab and the Meats hated Minister Salad & his Veggies. But they could not ignore the threat posed when Sgt. Relish unnaturally merged forces with Col. Mayo on 1000 Island.
11with me. A'm leavin!'" The potential buyer walked back to his shed and bathed in his golden spray-painted turds before the auction continued. The crowds were chattering about the
11with knives, -Join the Navy, -Instigate jihad, -Remember the Alamo, -Forget your past, -Call your monkey, -Live for yesterday, -Give bad advice, -Buy organic, -Make a list, -Smell
12think it has something to do with the name "Wayne." It reminds me of that old show, "Wayne's World." You know those two were high on something.
10the sinister busboy, who also happened to be his half-brother. Of course, his wealthy father had kept his half-brother a secret from the world, because it would ruin his