FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Loved folding the last lines of stories, and those folks made their own. Valhalla was pondering how this story would end, and it ended anyway, without his auspices. We laughed!
11. The baby was entirely sentient, and did not appreciate the humor. In fact, it never forgave it's namegiver, and plotted revenge. As an adult "Peter" named her children "
10After 10 days of white-out in a pup-tent, the weather cleared and we ventured to the peak. When reaching the summit, I checked my GPS. We were on the wrong mountain
12e and end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on. When you end up facedown in the gutter with no pants on, you may be filmed on live TV. When you're filmed on live TV, you will
37[Ominous brass] [Clashing, discordant cymbals]