FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11At all costs, I'm just trying to avoid eye contact. I can handle the repugnant smell and deal with the abhorrent facial sores. But if that guy next to me on the bus starts to
10But I was having charred dog for dinner. I would teach Walker and all the others not to mess with a professional butter knife sharpener. I finally got a hold of my dog Walker, "Bad
10with the mojo. Plus, my back was killing me. Most of the squidmen in my family either had back problems or high ink counts. I had both. But I could still party days on end. I wante
10... oh dear, too late. He took that off! Needless to say, the sordid details of what followed is too raw for innocent eyes. But when it was all over, I posted it all on facebook,
10I thought she looked out of place but I couldn't think why. She'd wrapped her skirt around her legs & was humming a tune. It was her hair which was wrong and I realised that she