FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Tell me," one cried, "can you play the old dusty accordion?" No Rupert said, as he always said. "No, it's not mine. I carry it for old times. And still I must speak in rhymes." A
13Sgt. Relish and Col. Mayo dominated the U.S. & Canada w/ blue & purple cavalry & artillery. Gen. Kabab had a few infantry in Europe and four Risk cards. Minister Salad had the rest
10Bob Muske, Jr. Even though Jr. had the calling of the Real estate industry is deeply rooted in his lineage. Muske, Jr. guzzled the wine and decided to get his revenge on Elon.
13Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the castle not a creature was stirring, not even the shackled; the skeletons wre hung, by the chimney with care, in the hopes that
12a warlock from the old country, possessed of the notion that, even if he answered incorrectly, his consolation prize would consist of preservation in amber for millions of years.