FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
22Not only that, the protesters carried handmade signs that read: "Free the Balloon Animals", "Balloons Have Feelings Too", "Balloon Is The New Black" and
10She made me out of fear and sin/with shadow without and fire within/Mom filled me with dark euphoria/And set me deep in Moria/
10n angry protest. Dr. Seuss declared, "Sometimes the glory of a story is that it doesn't mean a thing. It's demeaning to suggest meaning in a word without an aim."
11I approach the temptress from behind. I must not! but her undraped shoulder pulls me. My finger taps lightly. Debbie McRoberts turns. "Do you want to dance?" I stammer. (No!)
11Then Hillary walks in with a whip wearing a leather cat suit & stiletto heals & she's dragging Donald by a dog collar. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. What could it mean, Doc?