FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11trying to figure out how after all that work on her perm, she just ignored her nasty-ass nails. 'Why not get a manicure too, Ronna?' I wondered as the shouts of guards rounded the
10Jennerists out there, it was no surprise fitness places appeared like rabbits out of hats. The Minister of Information even said, "Fitness begets survival in times of nuclear war."
10have with with non-virtual friends.Real friends disappoint you, leave the toilet seat up, borrow your car and leave it on empty and make a pass at your boyfriend. But my FS friends
11Humpback the Clown decide that maybe it was time to reevaluate some of the voices he had made.
12Taco Bell inspired dump. Huge. I had to get the plunger after it and BOOM gone. They did eventually find it. One of those wily sea turtles had made off with it. Case closed.