FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
16bowling alley to see if they have 10 pound balls. 11) Snort cocaine off a dolphin that is wearing sunglasses and a gold chain 12) contribute to a folding story checklist 13) Ride a
10He was the kinda guy that'd take little incidents & observations from everyday life & work them into bits on an anonymous collaborative storytelling site. You know the type. A real
15had to lick away the dirt and grime off of himself as if he were a feline. It was the only way to cheat the bathing prohibition. It was disgusting but there was no other option.
11on our feet which of course is the last thing you should do when dancing, (the next to the last thing is to forget to do the head snap thingy when turning) so naturally I tripped
13Don't add to this folding story!