FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Jarrod Quatermain examined the tatters fluttering on the ruins. "The old ones still remember. The young ones still hope." No, not good, he thought, and logged it in his timestick.
11And then he disappeared into the crowd. Looking back, all those years ago, I wish I'd produced a bun & requested condiments, for I never met another like him. He was a real weiner.
11erse with folding memes. He spoke in tongues of Jhrerek Manatee & the Great Hippo. The FS medics gave Blasted 10cc's of dormant folds, for to drive folders mad is a heroic thing
13meant a rubber room with a strait jacket. I found speed dating a bit puzzling. It took me a while to discover they were more than one woman. This would explain why
10"Why yes, I suppose you are right," he replied, suddenly feeling sheepish about serving her the next course, which was tripe. She was a picky eater, but he was in love.