FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Their cloying attentions refined me in a lapidary way until at last I said, "Yes, but we must all be intermarried." But at their rickety wooden mansion, the garden boy
34[Dramatic pause] "How about we find out?" [sound of chainsaw, scream, then queue washing machine] "Looks like it does! Hey, I think this design's a winner!" [roll credits]
13Such were the feelings of shadowsheart, the third Folder. Although it seems like he has been here forever, he is a relative newcomer to Foldingstory. Just not as new as some of you
10snack, and then went back, to his cadillac, to give his sack a good shalaque to a picture of shaq, that he had in a stack
11Hiding themselves from my sight/ desperately avoiding my holy might/ offering livestock and firstborn/ to sway the fury of my scorn/