FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11little faces. Wilfred was in a foul mood,which probably meant his diabeetus was acting up again. "I hate staying at Uncle Wilfred's house" whispered Jane, who ducked when a pancake
10But when the pain subsided, Turgo admired the mark made across his face. A scar in the shape of a running horse was on his cheek and the letter W appeared upon his forehead.
13and my freshly laundered cotton curtains danced daintily in the breeze. So enthralled was I with their whimsical movement, I didn't notice the stampede until 49erFaithful whistled
10right, or am I right? Or am I wrong? Or am I left? Ha! Whew, I kill me. It was her impulse purchasing that did us in. I mean, she bought this knife set that cost me and arm & a leg
12good dared walk the streets when the sun was out. Night time it was even more deserted. The Supreme Court building became the last redoubt still claiming to be the United States of