FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13How could she have known that dinner would be pure poultry in motion? Mrs. Butterworth spent so much time on the bottle, the turkey took her totally by surprise. Her funeral
10snack, and then went back, to his cadillac, to give his sack a good shalaque to a picture of shaq, that he had in a stack
15cade, ducking my head as the paparazzi chased me relentlessly. Since when did ugly become the new "sexy"? I spotted an open manhole in the street & jumped in. They wouldn't follow
15stupid gets. Now answer me, do you like rhinos?" Jenny implored again. I nodded uncertainly. "Good." and she unzipped herself and stepped out as a rhino. "This is who I am!"
10It made him feel purdy. He spackled on flesh-colored foundation to cover the scars and stitch marks. Now what to do about the blue tongue and nails?