FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"We mustn't tell anyone, this would cause a world wide panic!" Those were the last words I heard before I accidentally hit "Send to everyone."
10us in a hypnotic progression of thought bubbles. Queen Taenia and I are united in consciousness by the sentient tapeworms that we both carry. Every waking moment we share our
10to dream a dream? Does this dragon track have to have a destination?" JMan ignored the wise Det & reached down to pick up a dragon scale covered in glinting runes. "To Norway!" gru
10you write your confession on this paper. Neatness counts!" Mystery Suspect snatched the confession sheet from Manatee's flippers and wrote furiously, eyeing the pudding, which was
15vomit then don't use any spaces. 3. You may use any language in a fold. 4. There is a ban on using speedy Gonzales, or Cheech Marin as a means to turn a fold from Spanish to Englis