FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10sharpening my butter knife. They'll pay. They'll all pay! As soon as my dog walker walked into my apartment condo, I lunged at him like an Olympic fencer. He somehow parried it
10delivered cold. She was the conservative type, and she was very perceptive; not to mention easily offended. I suspected that under that prim-and-proper exterior, though, lie a
11was postponed due to rain predicted that Saturday. Godzilla and Lobsterman caught up on sleep while they revamped their invasion attempts.
10pitched their folded stories to Hollywood. David Lynch became really excited. "These make more sense than my own work." A miniseries was ordered. Winona Ryder signed on as
10Sara Hyperbola from Folding story b0er7. Ryder imagined Sara torn by her cardboard virtuality.Lynch wanted Depp to play Flat Stanley with a Freddy Kruger Scissorhands edge,but when