FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11ays ready to push it up the hill again, because each time the boulder rolled down, small chunks chipped off it and the task became easier. At the bottom Sisyphus greeted Prometheus
10"no, I said parakeet head, not manakete head." Well, what can we do with this then? I handed him the box with the bird head and my sister's tears. The blacksmith thought deeply 4
10tightly. What a lousy birthday this turned out to be.
14h. 5. If you use Klingon,be ready to take the heat. 6. No folding under influence...of commom sense. 7.No personal matters will be treated with any don't come crying.
10Chad's Postcard Emporium in Laguna Beach. Sure, Chad lacked the savvy and know-how of his uncle Moe in Manhattan, but he had a certain sense. He nearly touched my "cold sore" and