FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I hated my twin brother because he reminded me of myself. I hated myself. So then, I also hated him. Which meant that I also hated myself. It was a vicious cycle.
13Me in there ! The rats told me, "Join the club!" and stared at me, until I too became Rattus Norvegicus. Now we went as a group and the party really started at 2 that morning.
12let her open a Facebook account. I could see mom tending Farmville on the internet while I was sizing coffins. She had 200 friends but I was the only one at her funeral.
12Henry, Emma, Liam, Larry, Olivia, Simon, Lola, Isabel, Mary, Will, Hillary, Isaac, Terry. My office, now.
10I triple dog dare you! The last time I heard those words were last week, when Luther dared me to eat that whole container of low-fat buttery spread. At first, it was