FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Potato. Heaps and heaps of potato in its many varieties. Pulverized! Fricassee! Fried! Smashed! Sliced. Potato. She set to work, and her guests barely noticed the chicken flavor.
10"I'm worried, Tad," I said, touching the tiny stain. "If reincarnation is true, this potato bug could well return as something else & seek revenge." Tad nodded. A large shadow
11Furthermore, let it now be recognized that if you subtract a boatload from a crapton, you're left with somewhere between a smidgen and a chunk. A whole bunch isn't as many as
11her new horned rhino body? The last of the lawn was munched to the dirt. Jenny was now too much to bare. I had to let her go. "Go be what you see yourself as. Go be free." As she
11and told him to leave because he was upsetting the nuns across the street, he covered his nudeness with his bowl and ran down the street. A nun followed him with her cell phone,