FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11the Zorgian flesh offering, but pinky puree was too tempting. I slurped it gone and apologized to my clone. It (I?) then gnawed my lip, thus beginning a race to consume the other.
11Hiding themselves from my sight/ desperately avoiding my holy might/ offering livestock and firstborn/ to sway the fury of my scorn/
11refined taste and devilish good looks. His toe decided to call itself Carl and pleaded with a court of law to release him from servitude to the rest of the foot. The judge frowned
10Diarrhea Planet was now the 10th planet in our solar system. School teachers were baffled at this new scientific development and scientists' odd choice of name. The planet, made of
12stories because I must make one more story about Detective Manatee. I owe it to him for the thing he did for me back in Jakarta. It's the one loyal thing I'll ever do in my life.