FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
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11LSD but even so I believe that the vision is a true portrayal of the final battle I will be forced to fight to defend
10biscuit. If you know what I mean.", said Princess HotPocket. Sir Red Devil saw the blush on Queen Whirlpool's face and lost all control. He pushed Chief Wala to the side, grabbed
12eren't turned on by her hair bun, her glasses, her sailor's tongue or her judgmental stance. But when Valetta asked if they'd like another beer with their beer, well, no man could
12The only problem with writing Twilight fanfiction, and it's a big one, is that you have to read the Twilight books.
12But it's Wives #5 and #6 I really miss. They never said a word to vex me, although I did have their tongues removed so I guess the credit is due back to me.