FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10with a little less spring in his step. Kanga. Well Kanga was hopping mad and hopped off into the outback upon hearing the news. She's probably at the bar. Dundee is another story.
11. Christopher Robin rapped smartly on the door of 'Tresspasser's Will' "Pooh? Seen Piglet?" Pooh stepped out in chains and mohawk. "No, I just had some ham for my rumbly tumbly."
12passer by to challenge him to a game. He relished the thought that a few minutes later he would once more emerge victorious, triumphant and one game closer to death.
10Steve activated the iChute app on his iPhone and did a graceful dive out of the plane. "I love technology!" he yelled, but then looked down at his phone...BUFFERING... No parachute
13The priest faked an eye poke, slapped his cheeks and then pulled them apart and said "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." The Shaolin priest was a three stooges fan! He responded to the priest by