FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12dally in her back alley like some silly sally snorting tiffy and taffy like cray cray was catching. The nuns were ON THE JOB now. This was their case now. Finding Tally Olde was
10I hung the gew-gaw from my neck, so I would always remember that fatal error. Never again would I know love, or what it feels like to not have killed my own family. I turned to
12Grasping them he said, "Pooh's only wear cuddly pants." Exasperated Christopher said. "They're lederhosen. Now put them on before someone comes!" Pooh fumbled with the suspenders
11please her showed what an all round good guy he was. But Kim wanted more: new curtains. Hiis cash was all going on steak tartare to keep his strength up for the prodigious bouts of
12But their cheerful little Christmas Spirits were not easily hampered. Their merry hearts burst forth with "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" when the pirate poked his bearded chin out again