FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The incarnadine wraiths flashed through the twirling swamp-forest, sobbing as they swept up lost children to be brought home as white-eyed slaves of enfeebled, drifting appetites.
10Steve Jobs awoke from a restful nap in first class. The plane had dipped to a 80 degree angle. "Someone must have left their IPad on." he pondered. He leapt into action.
35If ever there was a time to use his cell phone, this was it. But he had left his charger at home and the phone was dead. He squinted down the road and could just make out
10sent turd-sniffing police dogs into my back seat to make sure that it really was a turd. One of them ate it by mistake, thus destroying the evidence. At least my cab was clean.
12WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE." I lay as still as I could, hoping the bed wouldn't creak. Moments later they battered down the door and I was surrounded by Folding Story police. A detect