FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"You're wrong," said Eeyore gloomily. "We can't all & some of us don't. That's all there is to it. I don't do mellow." He then wandered to his thistle patch to stand in the rain.
10live through the night," the Dr. said gravely. His assistant nodded. "That makes sense." The Dr pocketed the compact electromagnet, and his staff readied me for abdominal surgery
10He rubbed his goatee peering at her black leotard over his espresso. She grabbed his beret and flung it. "You just hate me because I want to dig the world always!" Beatniks were
10He would sit at the bar surrounded by hipsters and light the fringe from the cuffs of his Levis with a Bic lighter. He slammed Jagers, "I don't get drunk, just filoshiphical."
10roll around in paint and write a novel whilst doing so, and once the novel was complete he would splatter the paint against a large sheet of paper while climaxing into a