FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14ey lived happily ever after. Well, mostly. Two outta three ain't bad. The end. P.S. Regina's second head went on to become a supreme court justice, so it wasn't all bad for her.
10I do not like them, Herman Cain." "Would you like them freshly slain, shedded bare, or with chow mein?" "I would not like snakes in a train. I would not like them freshly slain,
12container of macaroni salad on Salazar’s infected bedsores; Salazar, roused from a fevered sleep, hurled expletives at her, snatched a shotgun from under the mattress and shot.
10"Hello, this is Sean Hannity. I'm not here right now. In case of accidental voodoo, please leave a message." I didn't know where to begin. "There was this poisoned pin, and this
12For example, if I ask, "Are you really going to wear those ugly-ass shoes to church?" Don't answer! That is a statement. At the same time, "We are all screwed!" asks the question