FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13At way. Expect the unexpected, this was my motto. Battish had an interesting alphabet and punctuation. Plus accent marks similar to Vietnamese. I had a notebook ready to practise.
10then the Magic Squirrel of Random Wood tossed three Acorns of Witchery on the ground. They rattled and rollicked until curling golden sprouts came out and dug into the earth.
10know what you're talking about, and wear your tinfoil hat." Dan said, as he handed a triangular cone to put on my head. "Dan, are you sure the aliens are invading now?" I asked him
13My clone and I started eating other until you couldn't tell where he began and I ended and then two snakes slithered by and said, "Wow, well I never. A human Palindrome?
10He entered the musty old Wand shoppe.No need to ring a bell, the door creaked loudly enough, but Mr. Olivander did not appear.Instead a stooped over fellow with a mole rat face and