FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10wrinkly. Steve ran his fingers through Sharon's fu and gripped tight. His fu was revolving. Then... clattering. A door - SLAM. Their manchus had run away TOGETHER TO NEPAL
13like this, "I got your beefcakes, your matrimony abalone, got your fruit pie in aisle five, I CU check me out, scan me with your laser stare" The hunky checkout double bagged me &
10ing cheese web they used instead of stretchers thanks to budget cuts. Drowning in dairy, I grasped air feebly with my hands. "My fold," I croaked as they rushed me to the hospital
11(Based on a true story) On nights like this, my dad would go to the garage, turn on the UV lights, and suck up moths with a vacuum cleaner.
20Santa Claus put down the list and sighed heavily. He sipped a little aged tequila. The fire crackled as an elf stoked it. Santa returned to the list and wrote, "Naughty" over it.