FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12jasmine honey, 2 qts. Guiness froth, 2 poached turtle eggs, 4 figs halved, 6 asparagus spears, 2 vanilla pods soaked in rum, 1 pt. melted chocolate & a 2nd libidinous woman tossed
13I can clearly not go down that path. Learning Battish was my only alternative. That was not an alternative I wished to consider further but every way I figured I always wound up th
11" said Jim, oddly to himself, with a twinge of disbelief in his eyes. Two days ago he hadn't the foggiest that aliens even EXISTED, and now he was the official alien hotline voice.
10Yeah, she killed a few people but considering the billions she didn't kill we still considered her innocent and a virgin even after the necrophilia. We drew the line at validating
10the beaver of hyper-criticism. Snow White had wandered into the wrong forest. The goat of existential angst started chewing on the leaves of self-defeat. The narcissistic magpie