FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11l thief! I picked the crimson facet off the oven's basting pan. Was it the stolen Carmen Lúcia? I held it to the light to examined it with my loupe & whistled. Then Aunt Gracy ente
10he was suddenly called to Iceland. Eyjafjallajokull had erupted again. Von Wolfeshlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff (III) got pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis from inhaling
11"Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.""PersiennePersiennePersienne""No meio do caminho tinha uma pedra.Tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho."Five languages she spoke and poetry still
11The “Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?” category of folds consists of innuendo folds and those with goofy puns. Next we have the "Wait, Whaaat?" category that contains
10EZ-Bake Oven, I could turn all this flying batter into tasty treats that the whole family would enjoy!" Sadly, Jane, in her demented state, had forgotten that the domestic toy she