FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Sorry, I'm all out." My childhood memories would never be the same. "Hey, Eeyore...why so glum?" "I'm not depressed - just really, really, mellow," he said and took a deep drag
11All stories are love stories.
10-arium. The stink. The humidity of full-commando underwearless naturalism trapped by the rough fibers of hemp. The Pink Floyd Laser show made me see how gross humanity really
16stood there for a moment before Sarah Jane threw cold water on it, melting it back into the hole from whence it came. He blushed, complained that it was cold and the covered the
13I didn't enjoy sharing my bunk with you last night. Being my cell mate doesn't automatically entitle you to a foot massage, you're going to have to work for that privilege. xoxo.