FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13He's a real folding man sitting in his folding land making all his random folds for nobody.Doesn't have a point of view.Knows not where he's going to. Isn't he a bit like you & me?
11They're eating her, and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!!!! Why
12lane six, the one reserved for those with nine bodies or less. Up ahead I saw a tall guy wiith ten snoring bodies in his cart just about to join the line. Scowling vehemently I
11his side dish. We were Frank & Cole. We came out strong, me with my sour disposition and Frank with his meaty kielbasa attitude. Ironically we did kill the CEO, a Mr. Oscar Meier
10One of Frank's arms didn't work as well as the other as it had come from the left arm of famous pitcher Roger "Righty" Rolfenstein and was sewn on crooked. Beth still prattled on