FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11But he rode that bus to work and back. He ignored the stops and just kept riding, no matter how many others boarded. One day that bus ran out of fuel, so he found himself a new bus
12I dated a girl once by the name of Debbie Teeth who went by the nickname Spooky Tooth. Seems that I broke her heart, so she busted my jaw, and I had to eat my food through a straw.
14Doreene sings "Somewhere over the Swamp Haze". Then Poeleece impound her Huntin Dawg an a Hairycane picks up her shack & drops it in Awz. "We ain't in (Ar)kansas no more Rufus!
10you write your confession on this paper. Neatness counts!" Mystery Suspect snatched the confession sheet from Manatee's flippers and wrote furiously, eyeing the pudding, which was
12In retrospect, telling a child to look after something so private probably was a mistake. It would be like asking a fox to look after a chicken coop. Almost immediately I decided