FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10gets a new torch filled with explosives, let it blow. If Justice loses her blindfold, pay her off", and all start laughing like a pack of hyenas. "We need to divert attention away
10"Let us consult the magic orb!" replied the first. "Magic Orb are we necromancers?" replied the second shaking vigourously. "Reply hazy ask again." replied the ball.
10--" "Hold on a sec. By putting those quotes around 'take off your underpants' do you mean not literally take off your underpants, but 'take off your underpants' nudge nudge?"
12Hector Berlioz, hubba-hubba--" Molly stopped him with a wave of her hand. "If you come up with one more alliteration, I'm reporting you to the police. He opened his mouth and
11Furthermore, let it now be recognized that if you subtract a boatload from a crapton, you're left with somewhere between a smidgen and a chunk. A whole bunch isn't as many as