FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Slappy the Mad Clown, Custer, Mrs. McGurk, the Asian woman. And all of the writers here are all subject to characterization. "Why do you ask?" The PurpleProf asked. The little boy
10I frantically beeped down a patrol car & showed the officers the turd in my backseat:"I've no idea how it got could be dangerous! You guys have to remove it!" The cops
12The warlock chewed on his no. 2 pencil. "Lead is to Gold as Mercury is to..." The witchcraft SAT had him stumped, if only he hadn't caroused with those Scottish coven last night.
10As we approached the summit, the aurora shone brilliantly above us, reminding us all of just how tiny and pathetic we are in the vastness of space and time. We were truly humbled.
11he opened his Christmas presents a day early. He got a singing tie and a singing fish. But he didn't get that which he desired most - a singing toothbrush. He struck his wife with