FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blow out the candles!" The judge gaped in awe at the surprise birthday party thrown in his honor at the height of a murder trial. "For he's a judgy good fel-low..." sang the jury.
10Sing through a vacuum cleaner hose and play back backwards in a steel drum while passing steam through a radiator. Mix with bridge cable vibrations and whale flatulation sped up
11I entered my apartment and smelled sulfur. Satan had been here, and I was willing to bet he was taking Cheryl out right now. I knew I never should have trusted Satan around my girl
11tripping in them because once I crossed a road gnawing an undercooked spare rib slathered in mayo & didn't see a pothole. I fell, a wasp stung me, a dog licked my ear and a bear
10showers. I never should have joined the Herbert West High soccer team. I'd heard that bullying was rampant among the undead, but I hadn't been prepared for their unyielding cruelty