FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Mr. Snake, Judge Monkey ruled in favor of himself and fined them all 100 bananas. It was great to be the judge.
10"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Cup of tea?" Before she could respond, he thumped her over the head with his Bible. She came to in the Pentagram Chamber, hearing his wicked
11what I tasted like. Now I could find out without having to chop off and cook one of my appendages. I longingly gazed at my clone with my mouth watering. NO! My clone was for
11iss. But first I would need to assemble a team capable of pulling off the heist. I knew that Babbica would join me, and with some coercion Jobey and Platt would come along as well.
13trance...until, that is, the strangely melodic sounds of Yanni's Greatest Hits penetrated past the Q-Tip, into her ear & into her consciousness. A crystal forest grew inside her