FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11o now know that lima beans are really anti boiling water. I mean really, really against it. Apart from Confucious and liking water tepid, lima beans live lives of little commotion
14hand over her other hand over his hand over her hand over his heart. She put her other OTHER hand over... "Jesus Christ," he said, staring blankly, "how many hands do you HAVE?"
10braces & relishing the next bit, extended my giant middle aged squidman tentacle into the interior but I made an strange movement feeling a terrible spasm. I'd herniated a tentacle
13Mrs. Butterworth was displayed in a casket on a pedestal behind velvet rope. As people filed past they received a blast of compressed air aimed at their crotch, making them shriek.
10Running the alpha version of AI software was really a bad idea when you are on a first date with someone from the Mennonite community. Luckily, she