FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I sold everything and went on a three-day binge of hedonist delights. My doctor then called, "Forgot to add a zero at the end. You'll live for 30 years. Sorry, sending your bill."
11they hadn't used quite enough. They also didn't know that she regularly got zonked on Jimson tea so she had a high tolerance. Once free, Tharg's wife grabbed a club and loped off
11those cancerous bipeds but it looks quite likely that they'll self-exterminate. There's plenty of water on this globe, abundant sunlight, and if you'd like to move in I can throw
11And clown-shoes were, by their very nature, too big for anyone to fill, especially him. There had to be some exploding rubber key that could unlock his comic genius, some ritual
12choosing to make floor-length curtains that would later be converted into playsuits for the children. As the minions danced and sang their way through life, the Queen couldn't help