FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Get your story straight" said Detective Manatee "Is it that Destiny ate the pudding cup or that Fate made YOU eat the pudding cup? But in either case you were faultless, right?"
18that turning it up to 11 really does make all the difference. 10 just doesn't cut it anymore. When I visited Stonehenge
13that shaved daily with a cutthroat razor. 49erFaithful was unaware of the plot and hid in a corner whilst a stampede of wild camels galloped by. The window of opportunity opened
10live through the night," the Dr. said gravely. His assistant nodded. "That makes sense." The Dr pocketed the compact electromagnet, and his staff readied me for abdominal surgery
12Detective Manatee was hovering right outside, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Hmmm," he mused. "I wonder if..." He took a few more notes & swam confront the killer.