FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10spaper clippings were on the coffee table. Elliott thought this was the craziest crime scene ever. The dead gold fish were hung w/satin ribbons like mobiles all over the library.
12choosing to make floor-length curtains that would later be converted into playsuits for the children. As the minions danced and sang their way through life, the Queen couldn't help
13like a bat, and splatted against the wall like a gnat. The people upstairs were trying the door. I gathered myself on the stairs for their horror. The stairwell's dim bulb did sput
10the tables, spilled six Shirley Temples, and ate the flowering table centerpiece. Like most lizardfolk, Leif was not the best customer, but he loved Rupert's accordion recitals the