FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
17Maybe because Kansas was a place, but someone else wanted the name. So they said "That can be your Kansas, and this'll be our (Ar) Kansas!"
10Deutsche Marks. What the entrants failed to realize is that the Mark is a defunct currency and not even accepted as an exchangeable currency. They all got gypped. The end.
102 was to blame, with their incessant electric rhythm guitar thing and then the nail polish fumes made her feel floaty, she got the paint all over her wedding dress. But what if she
11hot and heavy. The smoke pour out of that oven made the who room smell like heaven. It was so good that Mrs. Butterworth died of Turkey scent overload.
12The same dismal orbit as other failed planets such as Planet Trapped Wind and Planet Cramps. But as Captain Shistrome loosened Planet Diarrhoea's tethers, an eerie face appeared